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Tu nekad nebūsi viena – WhatsApp grupā vari uzreiz precizēt neskaidrības un saņemt atbalstu
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Aizpildi reģistrācijas formu un veic dalības apmaksu. Pēc reģistrācijas saņemsi apstirpinājuma e-pastu ar tālākajām norādēm! Pieteikšanās noslēdzas 28. janvārī, plkst. 23:59.
Izaicinājuma uzdevumi
Katru dienu līdz plkst. 10:00 saņemsi uzdevumu, ko izpildīt un publicēt savā Instagram kontā. Katram uzdevumam ir norādīts satura formāts (Bildes, Video vai Story (stāsts), utt.).
Atbalsta kopiena
WhatsApp grupa nodrošinās atbalstu, iedvesmu un dalīšanos ar pieredzēm, lai visi virzītos uz priekšu un būtu motivēti neapstāties.
Izpildot visus uzdevumus, Tu pretendē uz balvām! Balvas tiek noteiktas izlozes kārtībā.
Kā notiek dalība?
1.02.2025 - 24.02.2025
Tie kuri dara - tiem izdodas
What exactly is the Travel Freedom Academy?The Travel Freedom Academy is a comprehensive course designed to empower small content creators. We guide you through proven strategies to secure brand collaborations and effectively grow your presence on social media.
How long does it take to see results?While the timeframe can vary depending on individual effort and application of the strategies, results are coming within a few months of implementing our teachings.
Is there a money-back guarantee?Absolutely! We're confident in the value our course offers.
How is this course different from other social media growth courses?The Travel Freedom Academy focuses not only on social media growth but also on securing brand collaborations, a vital aspect for monetizing your platform. Our strategies are derived from real-world experiences and successes, ensuring practical and actionable insights.
What skill level is this course for?The Travel Freedom Academy course is designed to cater to a range of skill levels. Whether you're a beginner just starting out on your content creation journey, or an intermediate creator looking to refine your strategies and secure more brand collaborations, our course offers valuable insights and actionable strategies. With comprehensive modules and hands-on examples, even advanced content creators can find new techniques and perspectives to enhance their online presence. The course is structured in a way that allows you to progress at your own pace, ensuring that each learner, regardless of their skill level, can maximize the benefits.
Can’t I learn all of this on YouTube?While YouTube is a fantastic resource with a content on almost any topic, our course offers a structured and curated learning experience. Unlike YouTube, which is designed to keep you clicking through videos endlessly, our course is distraction-free, ensuring you stay focused on your learning journey.
Do you offer 1:1 Coaching Sessions?Yes, we do offer 1:1 coaching sessions for our students. These personalized sessions are tailored to address your specific needs and challenges.
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