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What's life like in New Zealand

It's interesting how different the world can be on the other side. When nine months ago someone would've tried to explain me how laid back and normal life in New Zealand will be, I wouldn't quite fall for it. As always, I have to see things before I believe. Are you the same?

You must be thinking "Why should I listen and trust someone like you about anything?" It's completely normal. In fact, all my stories are based on my personal experience, my perspective, and written through my filter of life. I do question myself a lot but when something feels right I can't hold back.

Nelson Lakes National Park, photo by Chris (Estonian friend)


Life in New Zealand. After being here for a bit more than 8 months I surely can admit - people here are very different. Now, please don't overthink this because I'm not saying everyone back home is negative in some sort of a way. Latvians will always be my favorite people only because they're "my people".

Kiwis (locals) are pleasant, helpful, genuinely interested, modest, active (most), and family-oriented. I remember being back home I wanted to jump out of the "rat-race" and get to know real people. You know, the ones who are interested in you, instead of they want something from you. Here you will be respected if you're a good person, no one really cares what outfit you have or what kind of car you own.

So many Kiwis love their dogs and families. Family is life, so they tend to spend most of their time together - hiking, doing sports, having barbecues, going out. Actually it doesn't matter what it is they do as long as they truly enjoy their lifes. Maybe it has something to do with their overall life level or simply values?

Blenheim, neighbors dogs. She just allowed to take them for a walk


From my Instagram stories you probably already know how much I love food - good looking and delicious. New Zealand is very much like the USA when it comes to food. Top products they use on a daily basis are bread, milk, bacon, pies, chips, frozen final products like burgers, fries, nuggets. To get high-quality raw meat, most people visit butcher stores in early mornings.

Fast food! A long line around dinner time next to KFC and McDonald's. As I'm not a fan of anything fried in a huge pot of oil but I still wanted to know WHY they are almost addicted to these places - I tried the food there. Still not a fan, in fact, food seemed to be too salty and spicy BUT the service - WOW - efficiency definitely says it all. It took exactly 4 min since I ordered my food at Drive-In, paid, and received everything I ordered. Superfast.

As a European I miss smoked meat for "pīrāgi", Francis mayo for "rasols", cottage glazed cheese "Kārums", chips "Estrella" and "Ādažu", cake "Cielaviņa", marshmallow "Maigums".

Blenheim, lunch at Public House


It doesn't matter what kind of job you do, locals will treat and respect you as you'd be one of them. Tourists do mostly seasonal jobs (everything related to viticulture, agriculture) because due to most visa restrictions tourists are allowed to work for one employer max time of 3 or 6 months. For more advanced positions (managers etc.) employers prefer locals with the ability to work at least a year.

I moved to New Zealand to see how it is to do what you love. So far, I'm loving the dynamics. Every 3 months I have to change my job, which teaches how to not get too comfortable around as well as reminds me of the reasons why I came here. Life in New Zealand is different. Here no one looks down on you if you're going into the store all dirty because you've been working on a field for the last 8 hours. The minimum salary per hour currently is 18.90 NZD (10.59 EUR or 12.48 USD).

Waihopai Valley, Blenheim. Vineyard maintenance job will help me extend my visa for 3 more months


To develop a new habit you need 66 days of consistency.. Some of the coolest habits are spending time with your family in nature hiking or mountain biking. Country is so easy to travel - so many picnic spots, hiking/biking tracks, overnight camping spots, developed car parks and even cost-free parks for self-contained vehicles.

Kiwis love nature and I completely understand them. Everywhere around there are mountains, far away mountains, and far, far away mountains. Also, New Zealand is one of the safest places to try extreme activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, jet boating. Can't wait to do a helicopter ride over glaciers and skydiving.

Elaine Bay, extreme experience

Other life events

When it comes to me, I know for sure, I will keep up the habit of traveling way more often than used to while living in Latvia. Time here is teaching me so much about different cultures, foods, sports, places, nature, and how small the world really is. Now it's hard and not safe to travel but remember, you can always enjoy your own country and plan the next big road trip, vacation, or life-changing move. Life in New Zealand or any other country will open your eyes. Do more of what you love and make sure to be grateful.

Thank you for supporting me and making this world a better place while following your dreams. P.S. If you are planning to apply for Work and Holiday Visa, feel free to see how I did it and what it might take.

Mt Robert Loop, photo by Artūrs Everything you need in YOU



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